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让自己沉浸在充满活力的课外俱乐部世界中, 丰富你的校园体验. 无论你在学业上是否成功, a dedicated volunteer, or a fun-loving night owl, 有一个俱乐部完全符合你的兴趣和激情.

浏览下面广泛的扶轮社名单, 一定要定期回来,因为我们不断增加新的和令人兴奋的选项. 如果你发现了一个激起你兴趣的俱乐部, reach out to the club advisor or contact Student Engagement to join the ranks of these dynamic groups. Let your college journey be filled with memorable connections and unforgettable experiences through our diverse range of clubs and organizations.

Clubs and Organizations

The Active Minds Club 致力于改变det365中文学生心理健康的讨论. We work together to utilize the student voice to raise mental health awareness among college students. By coming together, we can empower students to speak openly about mental health issues on campus to reduce stigma, 鼓励求助,预防自杀. 所有这些都是通过校园宣传活动来实现的, 向学生推广可用资源, 倡导积极的改变, 代表学生的声音, 并在我们的校园里创建响应学生独特需求的项目.

Meetings: Wednesday 2pm
Contact: Sue Allaire | 774.330.4652 | 

The purpose of this club is to provide a platform for students to engage in educational experiences, hands-on projects, 以及以飞机修复为中心的协作学习.

Meetings: Wednesdays 1PM and 1st and 3rd 每月周六上午11点

Advisor: Burton Schriber

Club President:  Luna De La Bruere

Anime Club brings together students interested and/or knowledgeable about Japanese anime and manga, 西方制作的动画和漫画小说, 以及外国和西方制作的电子游戏. 爱提问的学生将了解到每一种语言的不同类型, being able to watch, read, play, 或者讨论不同的动画, novels, and games. 我们的希望是了解更多新的和有趣的节目类型, books, 和游戏,拓宽我们对其他文化以及我们自己文化的认识.

Meetings: 周三下午2点到3点,在毫米波107室或117室

Advisor:  Kathleen Fulginiti  774.330.4533

学生们聚在一起分享艺术活动.  我们培养人们对艺术的认识和享受, 专注于为所有感兴趣的学生提供实践活动. 

Meetings: Wednesdays 2-3 Studio B

Club president: Sarah Kearns

Advisor:  Sara David Ringler

The Best Buddies Club fosters friendships between college students with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities. 虽然我们的目标是最终推广1:1的友谊模式, for now we are providing a space for social mentoring through activities that promote meaningful connections.

Meetings: 每月的第一个和最后一个星期二,下午2点到3点

Advisor: Cre Dorey 774.330.4481

科德角神秘生物俱乐部是4c的一个专注于超自然现象的俱乐部, supernatural, 以及神秘动物学的研究和调查.  
For information:

Collegiate Recovery Program is a supportive peer group that reinforces the decision to engage in and/or maintain recovery while attending classes. 学生会员支持从任何成瘾或心理健康问题中康复. 通过个人支持和校园倡导, the club aims to create an inclusive environment and supportive community to help students in recovery thrive at 4C’s and beyond.

Meetings: 每月第一个和第三个星期三下午2:15到3:15.m. 莫林·威尔肯斯大楼116室.
Contact: 谢丽尔·克莱默| 774-330-4611 |

This club is for students who love to write and want to meet others with similar interests. Come write with us!

Advisor:  Rebecca Griffin 774.330.4554

Meetings: Wednesdays from 2-3

Dental Hygiene Club cultivates, promotes, and sustains the art and science of Dental Hygiene.  Provides networking opportunities in order to get a better understanding of the profession and all that it entails.

Meeting Times: 
每月星期三:下午12:15 - 1:15
Location: MMWIL 115
缩放链接也可用:det365中文 for a special link.

Join us in playing Dungeons & 龙,一个经典的想象游戏! We also play a variety of other table-top role-playing games from independent developer studios and provide workshops & 反馈给那些对游戏设计感兴趣的人! 不需要经验,只是玩得开心!

Meetings:  Tuesdays 2 - 3 PM

Advisor:  Alisha Fabia 774.330.4311

The purpose of The Economics Club is to improve the students at Cape Cod Community College’s knowledge of economics at the global, national, and individual level. With goals to help teach the importance of making the most efficient and effective financial decisions. As well as host events to help build connections for students in any major with the right organizations and individuals to further their education or professional careers.

Meetings:  Tuesdays, 2 PM

Club President: Benjamin Chase:

Advisor:  Matt Vazquez,

The purpose of this club is to provide a space for future funeral directors and embalmers to collaborate with each other.  俱乐部提供了为公众的更大利益而共同努力的机会.  Our service mission includes raising the profile of the funeral program on campus and across the broader region.  You do not need to be enrolled in the Funeral Service Program to participate in the club.

Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month, from 1:50 - 2:30 pm via Zoom or Burnell Hall, Rm. 141 on the Bridgewater Campus

Advisor: Daniel C. Shea
Co-advisor: Gretchen R. Silva

The Gaming Club provides a place for members to get together and play games of any kind, including board games, card games, role-playing games, and video games. 我们的目标是通过统一的爱好在学生之间建立同志情谊, and to foster basic strategy, critical thinking skills, 通过一起玩和互相竞争来学习数学.
For information contact:

荣誉俱乐部致力于改善所有同学的学术环境. It provides opportunities for individual growth while strengthening the campus community through the coordination of fun activities and projects focused on the club’s three principles: Scholarship, Support and Service.

Meetings: Mondays at 5PM Virtual Only
Zoom ID: 946 2434 0385




To provide a forum for interested 4Cs students to increase their knowledge and network of hospitality and travel companies and to enhance their ability to pursue careers in this industry.
For information contact:

The Janus Players - Student Theatre Club offers an inclusive environment to explore your creativity! 从即兴表演到剧本创作, 从技术技能,如景观建设或灯光设计, 俱乐部探索与创造现场表演有关的一切. 我们举办过开放麦克风之夜、服装比赛、假唱比赛和诗歌大赛. 加入我们,成为创造奇迹的一部分!

Meetings: 周三下午2:00蒂尔登艺术中心工作室剧院

Advisors: Vana Trudeau 774-330-4766 and Kendra Murphy

The Jesus Club brings together students to impact the entire campus with the love of God through prayer, acts of service, testimonies and weekly gatherings that share the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone who attends.

Meetings:  周三2:00-3:00威尔肯斯科学与工程G05

Advisor:  Alex Russo

The Music Co-op’s goal is to support and foster musical life at 4Cs through musical cooperation and collaboration. 俱乐部为音乐家提供了一个场所, vocalists, producers, and music-lovers to meet, share their work, and play music together. The club also strives to bring music to the wider campus community through concerts and other performance opportunities. Additionally, members of the Music Co-op have the option to perform alongside Cape Cod Community College’s Jazz Combo. 
For information:

欲了解更多信息,请联系 Lisa Gagnon 有关Alpha Upsilon Mu章节的更多信息,请访问 PTK.

The 4Cs Photography Club extends a hearty welcome to all those who enjoy photography regardless of their level of expertise. 我们的会员来自各行各业, and they all share a love for the art of photography and enjoy the great friendship this club offers. 我们欢迎业余和专业摄影师加入我们的俱乐部.
For information:

骄傲联盟很自豪能继续它的行动主义遗产, social justice, breaking down barriers, and fostering strong, 沿途参与社区活动. 我们继续站起来, provide support, speak out, 为酷儿学生和他们的盟友组织教育研讨会, open forums, a speaker series, and social events. We recognize sexuality and gender identity aren’t set in stone and people’s identities can be fluid.

Meetings: (live and Zoom)周二下午1点.m. 及星期五中午十二时正(仅限缩放).

Advisor:  詹姆斯·摩根,774-330-4027,

通过网络和空中全天候广播, 学生和教师的dj占据了整个学年的播放时间.

Meeting Times: Thursday 11:30am
Location: WKKL Radio Station
Contact: or


你被STEM的无限世界所吸引吗? 与4CSTEM俱乐部一起进入探索和创新的世界! Each week, 我们通过沉浸式活动解锁各种STEM领域的奇迹, experiments, 参与STEM学习圈.

Meetings:  Mondays 2:30-3:30

Advisor:  莫拉·史密斯-斯坦

The 学生会协会 (SGA) provides a voice for students in all aspects of college life.  As elected representatives of the student body they support student campus-wide activities, clubs and organizations, 参加学院会议.  SGA的目标包括培养领导技能, encouraging school spirit, 为所有学生营造一个包容的环境. 会员资格对所有4c学生开放.

Meeting Times: 
Thursdays @ 2pm


The Club helps provide support to veterans enrolled at Cape Cod Community College in their pursuit of education through a collaboration of veterans, students, faculty, school, and government resources. 美国退伍军人学生协会在det365中文 is a recognizable symbol with which students can relate to each other and increase the public’s general awareness of the cultures, social backgrounds, 以及退伍军人和军人群体的障碍. 对所有4c学生开放和包容,无论其军事背景. 

Meeting Times: Wednesdays at 4pm

This club promotes holistic well-being of students by providing access to recreational and educational experiences fostering a sense of community and empowering individuals to cultivate wellness values and behaviors.

Meeting Times: TBD - January 2024
Phone: 774.330.4465

Need Some Help? Contact Us!

Office of Student Engagement

Location: Grossman Commons, Room 208

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm

Phone: 774.330.4320


有关学术和健康方面的支持,请访问: Student Support